# Intro To My Brain Welcome! I'm [Alex Pavlov](https://alexpavlov.dev) and and you've just stumbled upon my personal notes. They are a bit unrefined, incomplete, and candid, so if there's something unclear, it's likely because these notes were primarily crafted for my own reference. Just a heads up! ## Starting Point Begin anywhere you like! You can search for a specific topic, browse through various notes at random, delve into the graph view, or kick off with these general areas of interest: - [[Programming Index]] - [[Learning Index]] - [[Zettelkasten Index]] - [[Brain Index]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management Index]] - [[Exercise Index]] - [[Productivity Index]] - [[Journaling Index]] - [[DevOps Index]] - [[Psychology Index]] - [[Stoicism Index]] - [[Dev tools Index]] - [[Diets Index]] - [[Interview preparation]] - [[Interview Questions Index]]